The Boy Scouts meet Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the gym and Fellowship Room at St. John Lutheran Church. All Boys are welcome!

Scouting News

                                                                                             October 2024


With weekly meetings returning in September, Cubs had their first one at Putt Putt where all enjoyed a game of miniature golf. October will find the St. John Pack having an overnight camping adventure at Camp Lakota. Cubs will return to Camp Lakota later in the month where they will participate in a district event with other Packs. With the theme of “Cubs Gone Wild,” all Cubs are sure to have a very enjoyable time. Camping overnight is also on the agenda.


On September 11, SJL Boy Scouts wore their Scout uniforms to school in remembrance of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Two service events are scheduled this month, one at the Auglaize Village Applebutter Fest and the other at the Grand Rapids Applebutter Fest. The Troop will also be present at the “Cubs Gone Wild” event at Camp Lakota, providing music and glowsticks for the Cub Scouts.


Both the Pack and Troop will be selling popcorn this month. Monies earned help to support the programs of both units.


Youth and adults are always welcome to attend Pack and Troop events to learn more about the program. Questions at any time can be addressed to Mike Saxton, Chartered Organization Representative, at 419-439-2079.